Dr. Robert J. Bunker, Director of Research & Analysis, C/O Futures attended the two hour virtual expert panel event (as an observer) on Safeguarding the Metaverse from Terrorism and Violent Extremism, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism. New York, 28 November 2022. The panel event had over 200 participants and is part of the ongoing series on Protecting Digital Spaces.
This event aims at understanding the concept of the metaverse, as well as at raising awareness of and exchanging information on innovative and cutting-edge solutions. This should produce recommendations regarding preventing and countering potential terrorist threats and activity involving the metaverse, while also addressing current regulatory gaps at the intersection between State behaviour and corporate roles in the digital age.
For more on this event see: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1v/k1v22k9do1